Live event

Thursday, 16/5 14:00 - 18:00


Fraunhofer network »Art, Science and Design«

  • — Ausstellung / Messe / Designmarkt
PionierHUB des Fraunhofer IAO
Atelierstraße 1, 81671 München

Gain new perspectives through the interaction of science, art and design in workshops and our exhibition.

Exhibition open to the public with an afternoon workshop program and a vernissage event.

Vernissage Fraunhofer-MCBW-nature-lab on Wednesday, May 15 at 19:00:
Design-meets-mushroom research, hydroponic, urban and vertical farming as well as upcycling with apple leftovers - in our 90-minute panel talk with WKD artists and Fraunhofer researchers you will find out more about the exciting projects of the »Science, Art and Design« network, all of which also offer hands-on workshops as part of the Munich Creative Business Week.

Workshops with innovative concepts, prototypes and visions from the programs of the Fraunhofer Network "Science, Art and Design":

Fungi workshop on Tue, May 14 at 15:00:
You can do artistic research on site and try out various hands-on kits to create sculptures from mycelium.

Apple pomace workshop on Wed, May 15 at 15:00:
In this hands-on workshop, you can give free rein to your creativity and use various tools to create your own environmentally conscious product from apple pomace films. Whether it's an alternative leather product, biodegradable packaging or home accessory - let's turn trash into treasure!

Hydroponics workshop on Fri, May 17 at 14:00:
The hands-on workshop aims to make your own hydroponic bottle according to Kratky, plant it and take it home with you.

To take part in a workshop or the vernissage, please register using the contact details provided on the respective event pages of the individual dates.

© Fraunhofer




Fraunhofer network »Art, Science and Design«
Fraunhofer network »Art, Science and Design«
Anna-Louisa-Karsch-Str. 2
10178 Berlin

With research projects, calls, residencies and exhibitions, the Fraunhofer network "Science, Art and Design" promotes interdisciplinary discourse between applied research, art and design.

Venue and events nearby

PionierHUB des Fraunhofer IAO, Atelierstraße 1, 81671 München

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