Studio B Naturkosmetik

Studio B Naturkosmetik

  • — Unternehmen
Johannisplatz 18, 81667 München

Opening hours:

Monday - Friday: 10:00–18:00
Saturday & Sunday: Closed

Studio B is a holistic natural cosmetics studio in the heart of Munich. Opened in September 2020, Studio B represents founder Johanna Barna's passion for natural cosmetics and holistic beauty rituals. Whether you want to find out more about organic beauty, book a treatment or change your skincare routine and delve deeper into holistic beauty: take a look around here or visit us in Haidhausen.


Studio B Naturkosmetik
Studio B Naturkosmetik
Johannisplatz 18
81667 München

Studio B is a holistic natural cosmetics studio in the heart of Munich. Opened in September 2020, Studio B represents a passion for natural cosmetics and holistic beauty rituals.

Location and design shops nearby

Studio B Naturkosmetik, Johannisplatz 18, 81667 München

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