Live event

Tuesday, 14/5 10:30 - 12:30

Universal design and sustainability as new business for design

IUD Institut für Universal Design GmbH & Co.KG

  • — Workshop / Coaching-Session
Oskar von Miller Forum
Oskar-von-Miller-Ring 25, 80333 München

Universal design combines with the topics of sustainability in a variety of ways and can become a new field of expertise for designers.

It is largely unknown that universal design is considered an integral part of internationally recognised sustainability standards within the framework of DIN ISO 26000. In view of this, it is important to include the expertise of universal design as a factor in consulting and implementation within operational CSR processes.

A comprehensive assessment of the environmental impact of products and services over their entire life cycle is becoming increasingly important, both for the acceptance and the success of these products and services. In addition to functional and ecological criteria, there are also social requirements for good design. The idea is and remains that products and services should be accessible to as many people as possible without special adaptations and meet the different needs of today's societies.

Industrial companies, service providers and associations therefore link certain expectations with the evaluation criteria of universal design as the central interface of all CSR requirements. Designers can contribute to these processes by acquiring the necessary skills to integrate the CSR element of universal design into their work. This could open up new fields of action in the area of design. To this end, we are entering into a results-oriented dialogue with CSR experts, companies, association representatives and members of Universal Design Form e.V. in our format.

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Oskar von Miller Forum, Oskar-von-Miller-Ring 25, 80333 München

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