Live event

Tuesday, 14/5 17:30 - 21:00

Future of Work: What role will the office play?

Aeris GmbH

  • — Vortrag / Talk / Konferenz
IDX 81 München
August-Everding-Straße 25, 81671 München

What role will the office play in the future of work?

Experience an exciting panel discussion with experts Martina Rahmfeld, Natascha Ninic and Benjamin Rolff about the latest trends and forward-looking concepts for modern working environments at our live event on May 14 at the IDX 81 showroom in the House of Communication, Werksviertel Munich.

We will also show how Aeris office furniture, which enables dynamic, flexible working, can create a completely new working experience.

The panel discussion will be followed by networking and culinary delights.



Venue and events nearby

IDX 81 München, August-Everding-Straße 25, 81671 München

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