Live event

Sunday, 12/5 18:00 - 21:00

Three Monkeys One Journey

IUD Institut für Universal Design GmbH & Co.KG

  • — Film
Cafe Eigenleben
Kurfürstenstraße 2, 80799 München

A gripping documentary film about friendship, communication and trust.
Followed by a film talk with the producer and protagonist David Stumpp

Three weeks, three friends, three senses – and an idea for a great adventure. Bart, David and Jakob are travelling to the French Atlantic Coast together, taking it in turns to go without speech, hearing and sight. Each week the roles are changed. Soon the three young men realise that this is more than just a madcap experiment. No-one can manage without the other, they all need each other’s help and must help each other out at the same time. The initial misunderstandings as they make their way through the rainy Black Forest soon give way to a genuine crisis which they can neither simply ignore nor really cope with. With sight, hearing and speech the three friends are robbed of their most important means of understanding each other. They travel on as if chained to one another, confronted with themselves in completely new ways. They meet a variety of people on their journey to the sea and experience a series of comedy capers. But something has to change if this experiment is to become a truly sensory experience.

"The best way to experience the world is completely outside your comfort zone." A PLUS
„I admire their spirit of adventure.“ ASHTON KUTCHER



Venue and events nearby

Cafe Eigenleben, Kurfürstenstraße 2, 80799 München

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