Live event

Thursday, 16/5 18:00 - 22:00

The evolution of human creativity: from cave art to GenAI

Deloitte Digital

  • — Workshop / Coaching-Session
Deloitte Digital
Rosenheimer Str. 143, 81671 München

Immerse yourself in the interplay between human genius and artificial intelligence. In this workshop, we will explore the future of customer experience design together.

"Creativity is the ability to develop new and original ideas, concepts or solutions that didn't exist before or were combined in unusual ways." As helpful as artificial intelligence is in creating this definition, it will fail in terms of actual creative output without the human factor.

How does the human brain process creativity? And how does this relate to generative AI?

The brain as the source of creativity and neuronal processes as the blueprint for AI. Against this background, we want to discover AI and discuss the role it can play in strategic and creative design processes.

Although interactions are designed by people for people, customer experience is often perceived as a solely digital matter.

In an interactive session with experts, we will dive deeper into the topics of service design and AI and learn why GenAI is not a contradiction, but a natural extension of human creativity.

We will interactively explore the interplay between humans, experiences and technology. We will explore new technologies and tools to reimagine and redesign human interactions.

We invite you to recontextualize interactions, reflect on your impressions and socialize on our rooftop terrace afterwards.




Deloitte Digital
Deloitte Digital
Rosenheimer Platz 4
81669 München

We are a creative consultancy. We combine creative and consulting to help orchestrate extraordinary experiences across the full customer journey.

Venue and events nearby

Deloitte Digital, Rosenheimer Str. 143, 81671 München

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