"Custom Type" – at the interface between agency and foundry
"Custom Type" – at the interface between agency and foundry
Live event

Thursday, 16/5 18:30 - 20:00

"Custom Type" – at the interface between agency and foundry

Typographische Gesellschaft München e. V. (kurz: tgm)

  • — Vortrag / Talk / Konferenz
Designschule München - Raum 006 (Erdgeschoss)
Roßmarkt 15, 80331 München

Custom fonts are priceless! – In this talk we will show that this cliché has long been outdated and that the potential of "customised typographic designs" is still underestimated.

Many designers still see digital fonts as sacrosanct materials that must be taken as they are. However, the fact that type has become increasingly open and "variable" in recent years is easily overlooked. While collaboration with photographers, illustrators or programmers is routine in most agencies, customised typographic designs remain outside the realm of the imaginable.
In this talk we want to show that working together with foundries or freelance type designers has more potential than most people think, and to back this up with numerous practical examples. It's not just about widely developed house fonts, but also about less complex modifications for smaller budgets.

Kai Büschl, Katharina Seidl and Oliver Linke are partners of Lazydogs Typefoundry, a Munich-based font label that has made a name for itself since 2005 with numerous font publications. All three are absolute experts in the field and are happy to pass on their expertise in lectures and teaching assignments.
Through their own many years of practice at the interface between communication design and typeface design, they know the hurdles and pitfalls, but also the opportunities and potentials of such collaboration between agencies and type designers.

In co-operation with the Deutsche Meisterschule für Mode / Designschule München.




Typographische Gesellschaft München e. V. (kurz: tgm)
Typographische Gesellschaft München e. V. (kurz: tgm)
Elsenheimerstr. 48
80687 München

The Typographische Gesellschaft München e. V. (tgm for short) is one of Europe's leading organizations in the creative industry. It sees itself as an interdisciplinary expert platform.

Cooperation partner

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Designschule München - Raum 006 (Erdgeschoss), Roßmarkt 15, 80331 München

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