Live event

Thursday, 16/5 17:30 - 20:00

Biophilic by Design


  • — Vortrag / Talk / Konferenz
Rindermarkt 5, 80331 Munich

An event bridging research and industry to explore the spaces of tomorrow. We will shine new perspectives on biophilic design strategies and discuss their impact on physical and mental wellbeing.

With increasing conversations about sustainability as inherent part of architecture and design the demand for green spaces has skyrocketed. While greenery on roofs is common practice, in the interior world design beyond the conventional plant is far less established. With AI on the rise a world of utopian images with rainforests in buildings extends the horizon to new conversations on how far we can push our designs to incorporate biophilic elements.

Starting from the science of reconnecting with nature in space and the science of wellbeing, our event facilitates the conversation between research and industry to explore lingering questions: What are biophilic design strategies? How do biophilic elements support physical and mental wellbeing? What can we do to incorporate them in design work?

We look forward to inviting you to an evening full of fascinating presentations and interesting discussions on the spaces of tomorrow.




Rindermarkt 5
80331 Munich

As the world’s foremost design firm, Gensler unites creativity, imagination, and innovation to cultivate human connection and drive positive change in the built environment.

Venue and events nearby

Gensler, Rindermarkt 5, 80331 Munich

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