

  • — Agentur
Elsässer Str. 19, 81667 Munich

Opening hours:

Opening hours for the workshops, no regular opening hours

Silberfabrik is a creative space in Munich specializing in workshops and team events centered around screen printing. Our workshops focus not on perfection, but on experimentation and experiencing this exciting technique. Participants are rewarded with high-quality prints on paper and textiles. Additionally, our studio can be exclusively rented as a venue for business meetings, creative workshops, or PR events. Alongside professional infrastructure, the creative atmosphere provides extra inspiration, making it the perfect environment for generating fresh ideas and creating memorable experiences.


Elsässer Str. 19
81667 Munich

The silberfabrik is a space with creative flair and positive vibes. When we are not organizing workshops ourselves, we share our space with you: rent the location for workshops or events.

Location and design shops nearby

Silberfabrik, Elsässer Str. 19, 81667 Munich

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