Live event

Sunday, 12/5 10:00 - 18:00

i wanna be ur dog

Medien.Bayern GmbH I XR HUB Bavaria

  • — Film
Sendlinger Str. 1, 80331 München

VR Experience
An extension of human perception. A holistic view on human and dog reality.

Have you ever wondered how dogs experience you?

What they perceive about you?

And how they deal with it?

And if you could see, recognize and feel similar to a dog - could that transform your world forever?

Ride the world through the specific senses of dogs and live through the documented interactions of three human/dog pairs - artistically visualized.

Start from a prototypical space of a future museum, curate videos to learn about three unique trips: FREEDOM, TRUST, PEACE. In this interactive experience, we transform human perception into the sensory possibilities of dogs and experience the unique bond between dog and human - visualized with the help of recorded neuro- and body feedback.


Venue and events nearby

Ruffinihaus, Sendlinger Str. 1, 80331 München

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